헤어지는 날까지
Until the day we broke up
사랑한다는 말 한 마디 하지 못했습니다
I couldn't say a word of love
헤어지는 날까지
Until the day we broke up
사랑한다는 말 한 마디 하지 못했습니다
Unfortunately,I couldn't say a word of love
그대 처음과 같이 아름다울 줄을
I didn't know
you were as beautiful as you were at the beginning
그대 처음과 같이 영원할 줄을
I didn't know
that you were forever like the first time
헤어지는 날까지 알지 못하고
Until the day we broke up, I didn't know that
순결하게 무덤가에 무더기로 핀
흰 싸리꽃만 꺾어 바쳤습니다
Pure as a heap by the graveyard
I've only given you white bush-clover flowers
사랑도 지나치면 사랑이 아닌 것을
Too much love, I didn't know it's not love
눈물도 지나치면 눈물이 아닌 것을
Too much tears, I didn't know it's not tears
헤어지는 날까지 알지 못하고
Until the day we broke up, I didn't know that
끝끝내 사랑한다는 말 한 마디 하지 못했습니다
I couldn't say a word of love to the end
끝끝내 사랑한다는 말 한 마디 하지 못했습니다
I couldn't say a word of love to the end
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