
그대는 모르시더이다 .심성보 [recitation.heyday]

裸談 2019. 9. 23. 14:13



가을엔 사랑하는 가슴으로 살고싶다

I want to live with my loving heart in autumn


강변의 갈대가 몹시도 흔들리고 

The reeds along the river are very shaky


고달픈 인생의 쓸쓸함에

불러보는 그의 이름  

Because of the loneliness of a hard life, I call his name


오늘도  놓아 불러보는 애타는 마음

I'm still trying to call him today,

my heart in sorrow


그대는 모르시더이다

You don't know what I'm thinking


가을은 그리운 가슴으로 사는  

The only way to live in autumn is to miss you


긴긴밤 홀로 고독해지는  

To be alone in a long night



살아간다는 것이 사랑한다는 것임을 알고

성숙한 사람으로 태어나는 

To know that to live is to love

To be born a mature person in autumn  

단풍이 물든 쓸쓸한 가을  들녘엔 

A lonely autumn with autumn tinted with autumn leaves in the fields  


황금빛 곡식이 풍요로워 보이는데

It looks like there's a lot of golden grains


마음  구석 세월의 덫으로 자리 잡은  사람은

The person in the corner of my heart in the trap of time


가을이 와도 아직  마음 모르시더이다

Even though autumn is here, you still don't know my mind


남자에게 여자란  송이  같은 존재

A woman is the flower of hope for a man


여자에게 남자는 목숨 같은 사랑

A man is life-like love to a woman


손끝으로 그려봐도

이루어질  없는 슬픈 인연

a sad connection that I draw with my fingertips

but can't come true in the end


가을 하늘가에 시린  안타까운 사연을

By the autumn sky, this sad story of my heartbreak


그대는 정녕 모르시더이다

You really don't know what I'm thinking