
하얀 나비 White butterfly .김정호 [cover .nadam]

裸談 2021. 1. 4. 16:57


, 생각을 말아요, 지나간 일들은

Mmm, Don't think about what's gone on


, 그리워 말아요, 떠나갈 님인데

Mmm, Don't miss her, She's leaving anyway


꽃잎은 시들어요, 슬퍼하지 말아요

The petals will wither, Don't be sad


때가 되면 다시 필 걸 서러워 말아요

Don't be sad because it'll bloom again when the time comes


~ ~ ~ ~

Mmm~ Mmm~ Mmm~ Mmm~




, 어디로 갔을까, 길 잃은 나그네는

Mmm, Where did the lost traveler go


, 어디로 갈까요, 님 찾는 하얀 나비

Mmm, Where will the love-seeking white butterfly go


꽃잎은 시들어요, 슬퍼하지 말아요

The petals will wither, Don't be sad


때가 되면 다시 필 걸 서러워 말아요

Don't be sad because it'll bloom again when the time comes


~ ~ ~ ~

Mmm~ Mmm~ Mmm~ Mmm~